Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Hello There!

Well - I've finally done it - my first Blog!!  I should give myself a pat on the back for finally taking the dip and a big kick in the butt for not doing this sooner.  I have been so inspired by so many of you out there that I thought I should try my hand at this blogging thing.  My hope in this new adventure of mine is to be able to share a little of myself with you like you have shared with me.

To start off with let me tell you a little about myself.  I'm a wife, a mother, and Nana to 7 lovely grandchildren.  I live in Texas where life is grand and I love to sew.  I have been sewing since I was a little girl.  My passion use to be creating clothing and crafts in general.  But - for the past several years I have really gotten into quilting.  As any quilter will tell  you it is an addicting thing.  I think that sewing is pretty addicting and I'm sure there are many of you out there that feel the same way.

In this very first post of mine I would like to share pictures of my grandchildren with you.  When they see this they will probably be totally embarrassed and ask me why I put thier pictures here for all the world to see and I will just say "Because I Can!"  So here goes - let's start with the oldest.........

Her name is Summer - she is a horse lover from the bottom of her heart.

This is Kyle - he loves to skateboard and get in trouble (whoops - did I say that?)

Next is Shane - he loves his Papa and loves to fish!  Look at those eyes!

Then there is twin #1 - Havyn Jade - This is little missy and she loves everything pretty - Including her Nana!

and twin #2 - Savanha Helen - Watch out now this girl loves everything - nothing prissy about her!

Here is Trent - He loves baseball and good at it too!  This past weekend the bases were loaded and he hit a grand slam right out of the field - Should we start calling him Slugger?  Way to go Trent!

And last but never least here is Tracer - He loves baseball too - can you tell?  This boy is such a hoot - there's never a dull moment when he's around.

There's my bragging rights, every last one of them.  So now that you have met me I want to say "I'm glad I'm here!"

Waving Bye to everyone until next time.

1 comment:

  1. What beautiful grandbabies you have. Congrats on the blog. I started almost 2 years ago. I am following your blog on google reader so everythime you post I get an update. Hugs.
